Important Tips to store the Breast Milk Safely

 As breastfeeding is a tough job so is storing the breastmilk for your little one. It is a tricky game, and you have to do it all right so that your baby can have a safe feed. Here are some important tips that will help you do this job much better. Look at the list:


  1. According to the experts, you can keep untouched breast milk safe for use for up to four or five hours, and that too at room temperature. In case the time limit exceeds, then it’s not recommended to be fed to your baby. You must throw it away. In case you know that the time limit will exceed, place the milk in the fridge. 


  1. Now, as you have kept the milk in your refrigerator, you might be thinking for how many days it will be kept safe there. So, let me clear this thing, you can put the milk for approximately eight days in your refrigerator but better to take it sooner than later. The early you use it; the more nutrition your baby will get from it. In case you get late for this, it is then better to discard the bottle. 




  1. Now, there is another question that new mommies are worried about, and it is – how can you refrigerate the milk while you hit the road? Well, you can use the insulated coolers as well as ice packs that can keep your milk safe for up to approximately 24 hours. 


  1. As you must keep the breast milk in a refrigerator, you need storage bags that are safe to use and can help you to keep the milk fresh. You cannot keep the milk in some ordinary bottles as they can release some harmful toxins into the milk. So, to be on the safer side, use breast milk storage bags to give your baby nutrient-rich breast milk. 


  1. Again, you can use bottle warmers to warm the frozen milk easily. In case you are out of station or you are on road, just keep the bottle warmer with you,& everything is sorted. 




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